
Posts Tagged ‘the garden’



Tomoko took us to an organic farm in Kula where you can pick all your own veggies, and the moment we stepped out of the car, I couldn’t stop smiling.  The vegetables were all so healthy and beautiful….and there were so many bees and butterflies flutterby-ing from plant to plant. 




Mana and I were picking some spinach, and a bee landed on her leg.  It sniffed around for a minute and flew away…but not before we had a chance to say thank you for pollinating our food.



And as a huge bonus, I picked up some beeswax from the farm’s honey comb.  I use beeswax in lip balm and my Magic Green Stuff salve, and I’m stoked that I got to meet the bees that made it:)

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I’ve been slowing harvesting the echinacea in my garden for almost a month now, and it’s still blooming~


Native Americans have known for ages that echinacea kick starts your immune system when you feel run down or have caught a cold.  Thanks to this cheerful looking plant, and raw garlic, I haven’t used antibiotics in about 6 or 7 years.  (Don’t let it’s appearance fool you, this is strong medicine)

エキナセアはずっと免疫力を促進するため,アメリカ先住民に使われてました。 今でもアメリカですごい信頼されている薬草です。風邪をひいてしまった時でも、体が疲れ果てて、風邪ひきやすいそうの時にもおすすめ。 私の風邪とインフルエンザはいつもエキナセアと生にんにくに任せて、6-7年間くらいで個性物質を飲んでません。


If you are going to use echinacea, keep one important point in mind~ if you don’t take enough, it won’t work.  A good rule of thumb is to take about one heaping teaspoon of powdered herb every two hours~ You can mix it with a bit of warm water and shoot it back, or put a day’s worth in a to-go bottle with some water and lemon juice and take big swigs every two hours.  If it’s good quality echinacea, it should tingle on your tongue a bit:)

エキナセアについて、一つのポイントを覚えておいて欲しいで~す: 飲む量が足りない場合には効き目がありません。 おおまかなやり方は、二時間おきにエキナセアの粉小さじ1杯水かお湯と混ぜて一気に飲みます。 一日持ち歩ける分を作りたい時、PETボトルに一日分の粉を入れ、水とレモンジュースを入れて振ります。 二時間おきにゴクゴク飲んでくださいね~

上質なエキナセアであれば、舌にちょっと気持ちよ~くひりひりしますね。。。 :)

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You wanna see my good mistake?  Let’s take a walk in the garden~

Yup, the garden is just through here...んん、ガーデンはここからですよ
もちょっとね。。。just a bit farther

もちょっとね。。。just a bit farther

o.k.!  here! これだ!

o.k.! here! これだ!

What kind of flowers do you think these are?


They’re carrots! ニンジンだ! How cool are they? かわいいよね~


I am actually a bit disappointed that I don’t have any carrots to eat…when I planted the seeds, I didn’t realize that I had bought the mini variety~so I kept waiting for them to get big enough to eat and before I knew it, the leafy tops had grown to be as tall as me!  Yamagata San from the plot next door to mine explained that all the vitamins and good stuff had gone from the root up to the leaves and it was preparing to make seeds so I wouldn’t be able to eat them.  Hm~o.k., so I’ll just wait for the seeds and plant them again, no biggie~and then these amazing u.f.o. shaped flowers popped out!  Score!  They are in vases all around the shop and everyone asks what they are and where I got them. 🙂


oh yeah…today was bleeping hot yo, maybe this video will make you feel like you had a dip in the ocean:) enjoy.

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みんなさんよろしくお願いします! 今日からナチュラルヒーリングスタジオで頑張ります!今まで3か月の間に店ですごい気持ち良くリラックスできるためにリフォームしてた~今からでもちょっとずつ廃材とリサイクルした物を使ってどんどんもっと良い所になるだから一緒に好き当てくれればうれしいです!(店の案内は上の“店について”のタブにあります)

So, The Natural Healing Studio is open! It’s been 3 months since I first started work on the house to turn it into a place where anyone could come and get away for a bit~ to really relax and reset.  It’s come a long way.  Of course, the Recycling Project continues… there’s still a lot I want to do, a little at a time, and I hope that each time you come by the shop there’s something new to enjoy.  I’m pretty stoked right now though, so stop by soon and share some of my excitement:) (check out the “shop information” tab above for details)

で。。。ちょど良いタイミングで東君がデッキをデッキ上がりました! (げめんね)

And just in time, Higashi kun finished the deck~it’s even better than I imagined:)

Have a look (I stole these pictures from Higashi’s Haizai Live blog.  To see the whole blog, go to the address below)

見てね (この写真は東君の廃材ライブのブログからぱくりました。ほんとのブログ見たい方下のウエブサイトに行ってくださいね)


パーツで。。。with these parts...

パーツで。。。with these parts...






...beautiful. 。。。いいよね。。。

...beautiful. 。。。いいよね。。。

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Beautiful medicine...きれいな薬~Red clover

Beautiful medicine...きれいな薬~Red clover

Konno-san’s Motoyoshi house is surrounded by this beautiful and useful herb.   Go searching around your house and you’ll find some for sure…they’re everywhere at this time of year!  Just make sure to only pick the most beautiful ones, if any of the petals are starting to turn brown they’re no good.

金野さんの本谷氏の家の周りにきれいな大事なハーブいっぱい咲いてる!Red cloverだ!自分の家の近くに散歩してみればぜったい見つけると思う。今の季節どこでもある。ただ一番きれいな花しかとらないほうがいい~ちょっとでも茶色になてるのは使えない。


Take the flower and the top few leaves if you want…


この感じ~like this

この感じ~like this

Then dry them on a screen in the shade.



Red clover tea, drunk every day, is a superior blood cleanser and is one of the oldest and most respected plants to support female fertility… and it tastes great with honey;)

1か月くらい毎日飲めばred cloverティーは血を浄化してくれる。アトピーとがんを戦ている人におすすめです。さらにred cloverティーはむかしから女性の生殖器に強化するためにすごいレスペクトされている。。。で蜂蜜ちょぴっと入れるとおいしいよ!!

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The garden on a sunny day~晴れている日の畑

The garden on a sunny day~晴れている日の畑

I’ve been growing veggies for a while now, so when I came up with the idea to raise herbs too, it sounded easy enough.  While I’m at it, why don’t I plant an international herb garden around the Natural Healing Studio?  Better yet, why don’t I plant herbs that are endangered?


making a desert in my garden~砂漠作り

making a desert in my garden~砂漠作り

It’s proving to be more difficult than I thought.  Eri-chan and I sowed heaps of seeds about 6 weeks ago and I seem to have almost nothing but weeds. Granted, there are some things that are a bit of a long shot, like desert lavender, white sage and ayahuasca and cinnamon (who thrive in Brazil and India).  But hey, I grew up in the desert and seem to be doing well enough in this weather.  I’m thinking that if I do my best to simulate each plants’ native environment, they’ll be happy enough here as expats, right? I even mixed some sand with the soil for the deserty plants, and made little homes under big trees for the forest plants. Of course, tropical herbs are in a little greenhouse.

実は思ったより難しいみたい。6週間前に私とえりちゃんはいろんな種いっぱい播いたのに雑草の目しか出てません。ま~砂漠ラベンダー、ホワ イトセージ、アイヤホワスカ、シナモンなどは日本に育つのは大ばくちを打つようなもんですけど。。。私でももともと砂漠の生き物だたのに日本に元気で生き ている、じゃない?じゃそれぞれのハーブの故国環境を擬態するなら日本でも元気でいけるかな?砂漠のハーブのため土に砂いっぱい混ぜったし、森のハーブの ため木の下に播く所を作った。もちろんトロピカルハーブは小さいなビニルハウスにいる。

がんばれ!大きになれ! my expat herbs

がんばれ!大きになれ! my expat herbs

Maybe they are just late bloomers?  I guess there’s nothing I can do but wait…


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