
Posts Tagged ‘アトピーハーブ’

Michiko and I went on mini moutain adventure to get out of the city and search for some nettles~ good results all around:)





泉ヶ岳から~from the top of izumi gatake

泉ヶ岳から~from the top of izumi gatake

These are nettles.  In Japan, lots of people pick them as sansai in spring and call them aiko.  You can boil them, tempura them put them in salad, etc.  When they grow up, they’re called irakusa and people generally lose interest in them until next year.


they don't call them stinging nettles for nothin'~イラクサて呼び方の意味がわかった

they don't call them stinging nettles for nothin'~イラクサて呼び方の意味がわかった

There are a lot of plants that look a lot like nettles at first.  It’s super easy to tell them apart though~ there are little hairs on the stem that sting you when you touch them.  It only stings for a few minutes, so one or two pricks in the beginning to help you identify the plant is no big deal.  I suggest some hardy gloves after that, though.


can you see the little stingy hairs on the stem? 茎に小さい毛見える?

can you see the little stingy hairs on the stem? 茎に小さい毛見える?

this is my nettle harvesting face~これは私のイラクサ収穫の笑顔

this is my nettle harvesting face~これは私のイラクサ収穫の笑顔

this is where nettles live~ここにイラクサが住んでいます

this is where nettles live~ここにイラクサが住んでいます

After harvesting them, take them home, shake the bugs and stuff out, and dry them until the leaves and stems are dry and brittle.  Keep them in a sealed container in a dark place and they’ll be good for 6-8 months, just in time for the next nettles to come up in the spring.  Put some aside and eat the leaves while they’re fresh.  Choose the young tender ones to eat fresh, and use them just like you would spinach.


And now, the good news about nettles:  nettles are full of vitamins and minerals~iron, calcium, potassium, silicon, magnesium, zinc, chromium.

で。。。イラクザのgood news: ビタミンとミネラルたっぷり入ってる~アイロン、カルシウム、カリウム、シリコン、マグネシウム、亜鉛、クロム。

Taken regularly, they strenghten the whole body, with a special affinity for the lungs, stomach and the urinary tract.  Nettles are well known for relieveing arthritis and rheumatic problems as well.  The stuff that stings you when you touch it?  That’s actually medicine (histamine, serotonin, and acetylcholine)~if you rub the fresh plant over swollen joints, it will sting for a few minutes…but when the stinging subsides, so will the swelling and pain or arthritis.  The effects will last from 1-4 days.

つづけて飲むと全身を強くする~イラクサと肺や胃、泌尿器の相性は特にいいです。関節炎とリューマチを緩めるためにも使われてます。触ったらひりひりする成分?あれは薬です!(ヒスタミン、セロトニン) 生茎と葉っぱを腫れている関節にこすりつけると5分くらいのひりひりが無くなったら、腫れと痛みも1-4日間無くなる。 いえーい!

Nettles are also a notable remedy for eczema.  Nettle tea alone can improve and sometimes alleviate aczema in kids, and can be an important part of a formula to alleviate eczema in adults.  I’ve been using nettles and a few other herbs to keep my eczema at bay for a few years now!

さらに、イラクザはアトピーで悩んでいる人にはすごいおすすめです。子供はイラクサティーでアトピーはすごい楽になる、無くなる場合もあります。大人にはイラクサが入っているハーブブレンドはおすすめです。 私はイラクサとタンポポのおかげで、自分のアトピーを抑えることが2年くらいできました。

For best effect, infuse 2-4 grams of dry herb for about 15 minutes and drink the tea.  Do this 3 times a day for about a month or more.

1日3回に2-4グラム ドライ イラクサお湯で注いで飲みましょう。1か月以上毎日飲むと一番効果的です。

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